

満月ドラミングサークル&ディジュリドゥ@大坂城  この夏一番パワーの強い満月!

Saturday, June 26, 2010 at 7:00pm
Sunday, June 27, 2010 at 5:00am


今月の月は"The Real Moon"。厳密な本来の100%フルムーンにはならない場合がほとんどですが、今週末は完璧なものをここ大阪城で迎えます。エネルギーはピークを迎え、私たちは、月から来る大地を揺るがす振動のリズムに応えるのです。

月の出- 8:52 P.M.
月の入り - 5:07 A.M.



The next full moon party is going to be the biggest one of the whole summer! This will be on the ACTUAL full moon (which only happened last year in MAY...and wont happen again until October). This is the full moon drum circle NOT TO MISS, and will be the best jam of the summer. It will go ALL NIGHT.

This months theme is "The Real Moon". Its been really hard to have a 100% full moon party ONLY on the weekends, but this time...its here. The energy of the moon will peak, and we will answer her call with rhythms to shake the foundation of her sweet vibrations.

Moon Rises - 8:52 P.M.
Moon Sets - 5:07 A.M.

All musicians welcome, all free spirits welcome, and dancers & lovers of music and good energy welcome! Please, BRING AN INSTRUMENT if you have one...if you dont...pots and pans work well! Bring something!!! And TELL YOUR FRIENDS!

A map has been included in the pictures section also.

The easiest station is Osaka Jo Station, JR Loop line. Basically from there...you just want to go towards the castle. Follow the map. You will cross one moat....and then make a right....and cross the second moat (no bicycles beyond this point). Its the only place to cross the 2nd moat, so you cant really miss it. Here is the tricky part. Once you've crossed the moat, you will enter a HUGE WALL....surrounded 3 sides....almost feels like a amphitheater. Just as you cross and entered into there, it turns left...but you its the only way you can go. There are like 6 stairs, and then you enter this small courtyard looking place. Now listen carefully. Once you are WALKING UP THOSE STAIRS....you DONT WANNA GO RIGHT on the MAIN PATH, but you wanna go on the DIRT PATH that leads kinda left and straight. Walk about 30 meters, and there is a HIDDEN set of stairs that will take you up EVER HIGHER....right up to the castle. Its a scary set of stairs....big, but at night, very dark. Walk up these stairs, and at the top of the stairs....it makes a T.....you can go left or right. GO RIGHT. Just walk right, and we are on the corner there. Like i said....its literally BESIDE THE CASTLE....so if you feel lost....keep getting up BY THE CASTLE. I can throw a stone and hit the castle. If you are even more lost, just start walking around the castle until you find us. But that shouldnt be the case.

See you there!!!

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